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The starting price of the mobile phone number ending in 6666666 is 1.13 million

Release time:2024-06-07 17:42viewed:times

The starting price of the mobile phone number ending in 6666666 is 1.13 million


6月6日,浙江省温州市中级人民法院在司法拍卖网络平台发布拍卖手机号码13916666666使用权。贝壳财经记者注意到,根据页面信息,该场拍卖为“一拍”,将于6月20日10时开拍,起拍价113万元,第三方评估价高达160.77万元。截至6日13时,拍卖页面吸引2600余人关注,232人设置提醒。司法拍卖页面。图/阿里拍卖网络截图据了解,此次网拍的手机号码为中国移动手机号码,归属地是上海,目前状态正常,有全国亲情网捆绑,截至2024年4月25日仍有余额505元。上海科华资产评估有限公司出具的评估报告显示,该手机号码的使用权为陈某所有,评估价160.77万元。根据温州市中级人民法院在网拍公告中所公布的信息,该手机号码网拍的依据是法律文书案号:(2013)浙温商初字第00007号。贝壳财经记者查询裁判文书发现,“(2013)浙温商初字第00007号”为一起金融借款合同纠纷案,原告为华夏银行温州分行,被告为通领科技集团、陈某等企业与个人,涉及两笔超5000万元融资。企查查显示,通领科技集团成立于2001年,注册地为浙江省温州市,法定代表人为陈某 ,同时陈某还担任该集团董事长。相关资料显示,通领科技集团在浙江温州的厂房、生产设备及一些其他不动产已分别于2015年至2021年间被网拍处置;2021年2月,浙江省市监局将该集团列入严重违法失信企业;2021年5月25日,该集团被吊销营业执照;同时,陈某也成为失信被执行人、被限制高消费。此外,根据关联信息显示,苏州市中级人民法院于2024年3月7日立案的一起涉及执行标的近1.02亿元的执行案件,被执行人也是陈某。同时,陈某在温州、上海、苏州等地法院被列为被执行人的历史信息也有38条,被执行总金额达5.23亿元。

标签: 尾号6666666手机号起拍价113万  


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The starting price of the mobile phone number ending in 6666666 is 1.13 million yuan

On June 6, the Wenzhou Intermediate People's Court of Zhejiang Province announced the auction of the right to use the mobile phone number 13916666666 on the judicial auction network platform. Shell Finance reporters noticed that according to the page information, the auction is a "first auction" and will start at 10:00 on June 20, with a starting price of 1.13 million yuan and a third-party appraisal price of up to 1.6077 million yuan. As of 13:00 on the 6th, the auction page attracted more than 2,600 people's attention, and 232 people set reminders.

Judicial auction page. Photo/Screenshot of Alibaba Auction Network

It is understood that the mobile phone number auctioned this time is a China Mobile mobile phone number, which belongs to Shanghai. It is currently in normal status and is bound to the national family network. As of April 25, 2024, there is still a balance of 505 yuan. The appraisal report issued by Shanghai Kehua Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd. shows that the right to use the mobile phone number belongs to Chen, and the appraisal price is 1.6077 million yuan.

According to the information published by Wenzhou Intermediate People's Court in the online auction announcement, the basis for the online auction of the mobile phone number is the legal document case number: (2013) Zhejiang Wenshangchu No. 00007. Shell Finance reporters checked the judgment documents and found that "(2013) Zhejiang Wenshangchu No. 00007" was a financial loan contract dispute case. The plaintiff was Huaxia Bank Wenzhou Branch, and the defendants were Tongling Technology Group, Chen and other companies and individuals, involving two financings of more than 50 million yuan.

Qichacha shows that Tongling Technology Group was established in 2001, with its registered place in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, and its legal representative is Chen, who also serves as the chairman of the group. Relevant information shows that Tongling Technology Group's factory buildings, production equipment and some other real estate in Wenzhou, Zhejiang have been disposed of through online auctions between 2015 and 2021; in February 2021, the Zhejiang Provincial Market Supervision Bureau listed the group as a seriously illegal and dishonest enterprise; on May 25, 2021, the group's business license was revoked; at the same time, Chen also became a dishonest person subject to enforcement and was restricted from high consumption.

In addition, according to related information, the Suzhou Intermediate People's Court filed an enforcement case involving an enforcement target of nearly 102 million yuan on March 7, 2024, and the person subject to enforcement was also Chen. At the same time, there are 38 historical information on Chen being listed as a person subject to enforcement in courts in Wenzhou, Shanghai, Suzhou and other places, and the total amount of enforcement is 523 million yuan.

Tags: The starting price of the mobile phone number ending in 6666666 is 1.13 million yuan

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