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Primary school students discovered fossils hundreds of millions of years old at Ruijin Hospital

Release time:2024-06-07 17:19viewed:times

Primary school students discovered fossils hundreds of millions of years old at Ruijin Hospital






突然,他兴奋地指着一块石板说:“这一块小化石,是菊石,大概在 2.5 亿年前的石炭纪时期就存在了!”接着,他又指向一些米粒大小圆形的东西,“这是䗴,以前的海洋生物呢,在化石中很常见,它们一般都是集体生存。”他的话语中充满了自豪和兴奋,就像一个充满好奇的探险家,沉浸在发现的喜悦中。

标签: 小学生在瑞金医院发现上亿年前化石  


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Primary school students found fossils hundreds of millions of years old in Ruijin Hospital

In the bustling and noisy Shanghai, who would have thought that the walls of a hospital lobby would hide secrets hundreds of millions of years ago!

Recently, Nie Zijing, a 10-year-old primary school student, accidentally discovered that the decorative slate walls in the hospital lobby were inlaid with fossils hundreds of millions of years old when he was treated at the North Branch of Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine. image.png

Nie Zijing, a little detective who is usually curious about nature, was inadvertently attracted by the strange patterns on the wall when he was in the hospital.

On that day, Nie Zijing was treated in the pediatric department of the hospital as usual. During the boring waiting time, his eyes wandered casually on the decorative slate walls in the lobby.

Suddenly, he pointed to a stone slab and said excitedly: "This small fossil is an ammonite, which existed in the Carboniferous period about 250 million years ago!" Then, he pointed to some round objects the size of rice grains, "This is a temnospermum, a marine organism from the past, which is very common in fossils. They usually live in groups." His words were full of pride and excitement, like a curious explorer immersed in the joy of discovery.

Tags: Primary school students found fossils hundreds of millions of years old in Ruijin Hospital

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